SPQ11 - Persons aged 15 years and over

(8d7527ef-6083-4c22-933a-98786fee8800)   []

Persons aged 15 years and over

Data summary

  • File 'en'

    • Table ‘en’ consists of 216 data rows along 14 dimensions: ‘STATISTIC’, ‘Statistic’, ‘TLIST(Q1)’, ‘Quarter’, ‘C02199V02655’, ‘Sex’, ‘C03185V03849’, ‘Duration’, ‘C03184V03848’, ‘Frequency’ and four other dimensions

Size: 34.3 KBSource: data.europa.euLast updated: 2022-01-12 09:17

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These analysis results by Inspirient GmbH are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in conjunction with the licence of the source dataset.