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Craft Beers Dataset

2K+ craft canned beers from the US and 500+ breweries in the United States. (nickhould/craft-cans)   []


It's a great time to be a craft beer fan in the U.S.! There are a ton of beer styles and brands to choose from and breweries have become very successful in the last several years. Breweries owe it all to beer lovers around the world! This dataset contains a list of 2,410 US craft beers and 510 US breweries. The beers and breweries are linked together by the "id". This data was collected in January 2017 from The dataset is an a tidy format and values have been cleaned up for your enjoyment.


beers.csv - Contains data on 2000+ craft canned beers

breweries.csv - Contains data for 500+ breweries in the United States


If you are interested in learning more about how this dataset was acquired, I wrote an extensive blogpost about it


Can you predict the beer type from the characteristics provided in the dataset?

What is the most popular beer in North Dakota?


Data summary

  • File 'beers.csv'

    • Table ‘beers’ consists of 2410 data rows along nine dimensions: ‘Column #1’, ‘abv’, ‘ibu’, ‘id’, ‘name’, ‘style’, ‘brewery_id’, ‘ounces’ and ‘Column #9’
  • File 'breweries.csv'

    • Table ‘breweries’ consists of 558 data rows along four dimensions: ‘Column #1’, ‘name’, ‘city’ and ‘state’

Size: 53.8 KBSource: KaggleLast updated: 2022-01-28 14:27

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These analysis results by Inspirient GmbH are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in conjunction with the licence of the source dataset.