Cyber Crime Statewise (INDIA)

This file contains statewise cyber crime in India from year 2016-2018 (amritvirsinghx/cyber-crime-statewise)   []


This dataset contains information about state-wise cybercrime in India and can be used to predict future crime rates. Some interesting insights can be generated by predicting the crimes in 2020 and how pandemic has effected the increasing cybercrimes.


This dataset has been inspired by the recent increase in cyber crimes during a pandemic lockdown

Data summary

  • File 'cyber_crimes.csv'

    • Table ‘cyber crimes’ consists of 39 data rows along nine dimensions: ‘S. No’, ‘Category’, ‘State/UT’, ‘2016’, ‘2017’, ‘2018’, ‘Percentage Share of State/UT (2018)’, ‘Mid-Year Projected Population (in Lakhs) (2018)+’ and ‘Rate of Total Cyber Crimes (2018)++’

Size: 1.2 KBSource: KaggleLast updated: 2022-01-28 15:04

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