Reading habit Dataset

dataset about how much peoples read (vipulgote4/reading-habit-dataset)   []


this dataset contain how much amount of peoples read books or audiobooks and therir age,income ,Education etc.


dataset collected from this site:

Data summary

  • File 'BigML_Dataset_5f50a62795a9306aa200003e.csv'

    • Table ‘BigML Dataset 5f50a62795a9306aa200003e’ consists of 2832 data rows along 14 dimensions: ‘Age’, ‘Sex’, ‘Race’, ‘Marital status?’, ‘Education’, ‘Employement’, ‘Incomes’, ‘How many books did you read during last 12months?’, ‘Read any printed books during last 12months?’, ‘Read any audiobooks during last 12months?’ and four other dimensions

Size: 29.1 KBSource: KaggleLast updated: 2022-01-28 15:18

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These analysis results by Inspirient GmbH are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License in conjunction with the licence of the source dataset.